LENEXA, KAN. (OCT. 19 , 2022) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 and Haskell Indian Nations University (Haskell) have partnered to promote environmental collaboration and career opportunities for Haskell students.
A five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing the partnership was signed on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at an event held on the Haskell campus in Lawrence, Kansas. EPA Region 7 Administrator Meg McCollister and Haskell Interim President Julia Good Fox signed the MOU. EPA Region 7 and Haskell signed their first MOU in 1999.
“We are so excited to continue our longstanding and fruitful history with Haskell Indian Nations University,” McCollister said. “We’ve been partners for more than 20 years, and our newest MOU carries on that tradition of working on community-driven events and programs that support equity in education and environmental justice, while maintaining federal respect for tribal sovereignty.”
“This reaffirmation of the partnership between Haskell and the EPA will continue to provide excellent opportunities for our undergraduates,” Good Fox said. “After the uncertainty of the past couple of years, we are truly excited to honor the importance of the MOU. The projects and initiatives from our partnership clearly reverberate beyond the University campus.”
The MOU outlines eight areas for collaboration and partnership between EPA Region 7 and Haskell:
- Joint Research Projects – EPA Region 7 and Haskell will coordinate on a regular basis to identify mutually beneficial research priorities.
- Faculty Research Participation – EPA Region 7 and Haskell will encourage and facilitate visits to each other’s facilities for research-related consultations, meetings, workshops, tours, and project participation. Adjunct faculty appointments may be offered to EPA Region 7 personnel, in conjunction with classes or research.
- Student Internships and Employment Preparation – EPA Region 7 will share information regarding programs that are designed for student employment, participation and training. Haskell will facilitate the participation of students and staff in EPA internship outreach opportunities.
- Technical Assistance – EPA Region 7 and Haskell will consider opportunities to work together on research-related consultations, meetings, workshops and seminars.
- Mini-Courses/Lectures/Seminars – EPA Region 7 and Haskell will consider opportunities to inform each other about training support, including research-related mini-courses, inspections/certification courses, lectures and seminars.
- Outreach Program – EPA Region 7 will make best efforts to attend Haskell-sponsored career fairs and outreach events, and will encourage Haskell students to apply for internship opportunities.
- Mentorship – EPA Region 7 may provide mentors for high-performing students identified by Haskell staff who are interested in a field of study related to EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment.
- Environmental Student Initiatives – EPA Region 7 will support Haskell’s efforts to increase on-campus environmental awareness through activities such as helping educate Haskell students on environmental sustainability, climate change, and environmental management systems.
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